

Windows NT
December 2, 2024


在分析一些 Windows 系统组件时,不管是内核用户态驱动还是内置应用,经常能看到诸如下图所示的代码块
notion image


初步搜索之后模糊了解到其是 Windows 开发模型中的一个类似于记录日志内置功能
恰逢近期分析某个组件时,载入 PDB 后发现 IDA 在 Disassembly 视图中出现了这样的注释
notion image
其中包含了 Pseudocode 视图中没有的一些信息
__annotation("TMF:", "3fda904f-19e4-31af-9e7b-c406dff68297 mykmdf // SRC=Driver.c MJ= MN=", "#typev Driver_c78 11 "%0KmdfHelloWorld: KmdfHelloWorldEvtDeviceAdd" // LEVEL=TRACE_LEVEL_INFORMATION FLAGS=MYDRIVER_ALL_INFO", "{", "}")
在对此一无所知的情况下,我们可以从中提取出一些有用的信息,诸如函数所在文件名称,日志的格式化字符串, Level 以及 Flags
回到函数列表,我们能看到大量的以 WPP_SF_* 为规则的函数
notion image
使用 WPP 的方式参考官方文档:Adding WPP Software Tracing to a Windows Driver
🤔 这里有一个奇怪的点,在 Trace.h 中添加的 config 并未起到应有的作用 TraceEvents
NTSTATUS DriverEntry( _In_ PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject, _In_ PUNICODE_STRING RegistryPath ) { WPP_INIT_TRACING(DriverObject, RegistryPath); // NTSTATUS variable to record success or failure NTSTATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS; // Allocate the driver configuration object WDF_DRIVER_CONFIG config; // Print "Hello World" for DriverEntry KdPrint(("KmdfHelloWorld: DriverEntry\n")); // Initialize the driver configuration object to register the // entry point for the EvtDeviceAdd callback, KmdfHelloWorldEvtDeviceAdd WDF_DRIVER_CONFIG_INIT(&config, KmdfHelloWorldEvtDeviceAdd ); // Finally, create the driver object status = WdfDriverCreate(DriverObject, RegistryPath, WDF_NO_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES, &config, WDF_NO_HANDLE ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { TraceEvents(TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, TRACE_DRIVER, "WdfDriverCreate failed with status 0x%x\n", status); // // Cleanup tracing here because DriverContextCleanup will not be called // as we have failed to create WDFDRIVER object itself. // Please note that if you return failure from DriverEntry after the // WDFDRIVER object is created successfully, you don't have to // call WPP cleanup because in those cases DriverContextCleanup // will be executed when the framework deletes the DriverObject. // WPP_CLEANUP(DriverObject); } return status; }
__annotation("TMF:", "3fda904f-19e4-31af-9e7b-c406dff68297 mykmdf // SRC=Driver.c MJ= MN=", "#typev Driver_c46 10 "%0WdfDriverCreate failed with status 0x%10!x!" // LEVEL=TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR FLAGS=TRACE_DRIVER", "{", "status, ItemLong -- 10", "}")
且其调用函数名为 WPP_SF_D 合理猜测 D 其实意为 DWORD
格式化字符串为:%0WdfDriverCreate failed with status 0x%10!x!
%10!x! 对应于原始的 %x ,这里就会引出一个问题字符串头部的 %0 以及格式化字符串参数前的 %10 代表着什么?
再度仔细搜寻互联网上的内容后,可以找到一篇 RECON 2019 的议题:Using WPP and TraceLogging Tracing 以及其文字内容
q: pointer type (either 32-bit or 64-bit depending on the process architecture) P: pointer type (either 32-bit or 64-bit depending on the process architecture) D: an unsigned 32-bit integer d: a signed 32-bit integer I: an unsigned 64-bit integer S: a Unicode string
以及格式化字符串 %10 的含义:
The 10 and 11 refer to the format string index. 10 is the beginning of user-supplied event parameters. See default.tmf for more information.
,这里 copy 一段:
// The #typev statement may be used to convert messages into user-readable forms. // Wherever possible, parameters are processed as their native format, // and the %x!x! style of FormatMessage should be used. // (The #type statement is obsolete) // // Note: Parameter %1 through %9 are predefined. // Parameter is #typev // %1 GUID Friendly Name string // %2 GUID SubType Name string // %3 Thread ID LONG // %4 System Time String // %5 Kernel Time or User Time String // %6 User Time or NULL String // %7 Sequence Number LONG // %8 Process Id LONG // %9 CPU Number LONG // %10 and above are user parameters. // %254 Is reserved // %255 Is reserved // // Note: These parameters are always present, but may not be valid depending on the source. // // User-defined messages always start at message number 10. // Messages 0 through 9 are reserved for system use. // Message number 255 is reserved. // // Available formats for user arguments are - // // Name Description Format // ItemChar CHAR // ItemUChar UCHAR // ItemCharShort USHORT // ItemCharSign SHORT // ItemShort Signed Short SHORT // ItemUShort Unsigned Short USHORT // ItemLong Signed Long, decoded as decimal LONG // ItemULong Unsigned Long, decoded as decimal ULONG // ItemULongX Unsigned Long, seen as hex ULONG // ItemLongLong Signed 64 Bit value LONGLONG // ItemULongLong Unsigned 64 Bit value ULONGLONG // ItemWString Unicode String, null-terminated String // ItemPString Counted ASCII String String // ItemPWString Counted Unicode String String // ItemUnknown String
除此之外,这篇议题详细介绍了 ETW 以及 WPP 在 PDB 符号文件缺失的情况下如何构造出 TMF 文件以实现 tracelog

想来大多时候对于漏洞研究 / 逆向分析,如果微软提供的 PDB 中不包含 TMF 元数据,此时 WPP 于我们了解组件构成的帮助有限,但这样大段 Tracing 代码相当影响审计效率和分析进度,所以接下来设想对使用了 WPP 且符号文件不包含 TMF 的组件:
利用 ida microcode 对 WPP Tracing 部分进行优化,提升可读性。
当然有一些包含了 TMF 信息的组件,我们也可以借此来提升反编译的伪 C 可读性。
将 WPP Tracing 的相关逻辑模板化,对其精简。
譬如将下面 TMF对应的伪C代码精简:
/** __annotation("TMF:", "3fda904f-19e4-31af-9e7b-c406dff68297 mykmdf // SRC=Driver.c MJ= MN=", "#typev Driver_c78 11 "%0KmdfHelloWorld: KmdfHelloWorldEvtDeviceAdd" // LEVEL=TRACE_LEVEL_INFORMATION FLAGS=MYDRIVER_ALL_INFO", "{", "}") **/
if ( WPP_GLOBAL_Control != (WPP_PROJECT_CONTROL_BLOCK *)&WPP_GLOBAL_Control && (WPP_GLOBAL_Control->Control.Flags[0] & 1) != 0 && WPP_GLOBAL_Control->Control.Level >= 4u ) { WPP_SF_(WPP_GLOBAL_Control->Control.Logger, 0xBu, WPP_Driver_c_Traceguids); }
TraceEvents(TRACE_LEVEL_INFORMATION, MYDRIVER_ALL_INFO, "KmdfHelloWorld: KmdfHelloWorldEvtDeviceAdd");