Hello World

Hello World

Hello World
March 24, 2023


You can create headings using the # symbol, with six levels of headings available, each with a different font size. For example:

Heading level 1

Heading level 2

Heading level 3

Heading level 4

Heading level 5

Heading level 6


Unordered lists

To create an unordered list, start each item with a -, *, or + symbol. For example:
  • Item 1
  • Item 2
  • Item 3

Ordered lists

To create an ordered list, start each item with a number followed by a period. For example:
  1. Item 1
  1. Item 2
  1. Item 3


Use the > symbol to create a blockquote. For example:
This is a blockquote.

Bold and Italic

Use ** or __ to bold text, and * or _ to italicize text. For example:This text is bold.This text is also bold.This text is italicized.This text is also italicized.


To create a link, use the following syntax: [link text](URL). For example: This is a link to Google.


To insert an image, use the following syntax:
![alt text](image URL)
. For example:
notion image


#include <stdio.h> int main() { printf("Hello, world!"); return 0; }

Using LaTeX in Notion Pages

Notion allows you to use LaTeX in your pages, allowing you to create complex mathematical equations and expressions.
To use LaTeX in your Notion page, follow these steps:
  1. Open a Notion page and click on the / icon to bring up the command menu.
  1. Type "LaTeX" into the search bar and select "Block Equation" from the list of options.
  1. Type your LaTeX code into the equation editor that appears. For example, to create the equation x^2 + y^2 = r^2, you would type x^2 + y^2 = r^2 into the editor.
  1. Click "Done" to insert the equation into your page.

Edit by Mas0n, April, 8, 2023